David – SA David Harris 138 – Reg: AAA 17653442
Birth Date: 10/18/2012
There are five DDF sons of GAR New Design 5050 in major studs and numerically, 138 stands toe to toe with them all. Study of his 50K enhanced EPD profile shows 16 traits ranking in the top 5% or higher, and four or more top 15% of non-parent bulls. He is attractively designed, wide made, stout featured, slick haired and a true gentleman to be around. His grandam has recorded ultrasound information on 71 progeny, ratioing 104 for IMF and 103 for REA. E925, a full sib to Lonestar Advantage, posted higher BW to YW performance EPDs than most Angus herd sires. This gorgeous young dam posts weaning and yearling ratios of 108 each, and has that great productive Angus cow look. We believe the strong, productive dams and grandams provide the backbone of all consistent, productive herd sires. SA David Harris produced excellent, flush quality semen as a yearling. His first calves are hitting the ground now, a majority out of heifers.

Nelson – Silvey Objective 3T04 Reg: AAA 16136238
Birth Date: 8/14/2007
This now deceased Herd Sire was a super Long Objective son with tons of carcass growth. 3T04’s shoulder was injured as a yearling, so we retained him to work at the ranch. 3T04 makes masculine bulls with big growth. We have several of his daughter’s still working on the ranch. If you want to add power and easy fleshing females with perfect udders to your calf crop…3T04 is the Bull to do it! LIMITED semen available.
D H D Traveler 6807, AAA #10858958 | ||
S S Traveler 6807 T510, AAA #12502030 | ||
S S Miss Hi Spade A114,AAA #11665432 | ||
S S Objective T510 0T26, AAA #13776378 | ||
S S Rito Rito R76 R011, AAA 11494687 | ||
S S Miss Rita R011 7R8, AAA 12958951 | ||
S S Miss Ultress U56, AAA 12490161 | ||
G A R Precision 1680, AAA #11520398 | ||
G A R Pinnacle, AAA #+13200618 | ||
G A R Ext 2114, AAA +12356151 | ||
G A R Pinnacle X5072, AAA +15429012 | ||
Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807, AAA #12530601 | ||
G A R 6I6 Rito 241, AAA +14011020 | ||
G A R Precision 1738, AAA +13254856 |